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Types of Shots

May 1 2019

Types of Shots

There are three primary types of shots in curling: a guard, a draw and a takeout. Each type of shot serves a different function. The GUARD is a stone intended to stop in front of the house, not too far past the hog line. The goal of a guard shot is to protect or “guard” another stone and to make shots more difficult for the opposing team. A guard set up along the centerline is called a center guard. Guards set up to the left or right of the centerline are called corner guards. Once a guard stone is set up, a second stone might be sent into the house behind it by curling the second stone around the guard stone. Ideally, the guard stone would stand in a nearly straight line in front of the potentially scoring stone, protecting it from a takeout.

The DRAW is a stone intended to stop in the house. Where in the house depends on how many stones have already been thrown, as well as if and where guard stones are in place. If a guard is in place, a draw shot would need to curl around it, requiring proper weight and delivery. Draw shots are among the most technically difficult shots in curling.

The TAKEOUT is a stone delivered in order to remove another stone from play. It may be delivered heavy and at an angle, so that both the takeout stone and the target stone are removed from play. This is known as peeling. The target stone may also be hit square-on, which will leave the takeout stone in the place of the target stone. If the target stone is a guard stone belonging to the opposite side and it is hit head-on, the takeout must be heavy enough to send the guard stone and itself completely through the house. If it is not, the takeout stone could become an unintended guard for the opposing team’s stones.

Generally, a DRAW is used with the hope of scoring points, a GUARD is thrown to protect the house or a stone that’s already been thrown, and a TAKEOUT is used defensively. All of these shots may be thrown light (slow) or heavy (fast), with a greater or lesser curl depending on the situation. The goal of the maneuvering is to place stones in position to secure points, or to prevent the opposing team from being in position to score points.

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